The hCG Diet

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The most recent diet fad utilizes hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin) as an aid in weight reduction and has a lot of consumers advocating its use

Energy Science Perspective of hCG

hCG is a physiologic hormone signal and therefore a transformative molecule  The physiologic energy effects of this kind of stimulation is to increase the hot quality or the transformative energy of the mindbody

Such an effect reaves up the metabolism and creates a hypermetabolic state  This is essence burns more calories from a matter science view

In short the Kapha energy pattern gets a "kick in the pants"  Kapha's energy pattern is a slow metabolism and difficult at times to get moving due to a multiplicity of environmental factors

This slow metabolism would respond very nicely to a metabolic hCG stimulus

What Are the Downsides?

The basic problem is that nobody can be on the stuff forever  After a few courses one has to figure out a different approach

And of course there are as with any medication side effects that need to be spelled out very clearly to anyone looking for the short term fix Once we understand the negatives then we can move on

The real question is why use it in the first place?

Adjunctive to Lifestyle Shifts

Regardless, once a person stops the hCG diet, he or she will have to adopt a normal and healthy lifestyle, or the weight's just coming back

Proponents of the hCG diet maintain that the purpose of the diet is to break food addictions and abnormal eating behaviors, and that the month or so of treatment allows a person to do so In this sense, the diet hopes to achieve short-term weight loss with long-term behavioral modification

We know that it takes 6 ot 8 weeks to make the shift in lifestyle necessary to effect change  And there is even genetic information to suggest that changes in behavior lead to changes in our DNA in this time frame

So Why?

The answer lies with the user  If the side effects are understood and they are willing to use the technique as a "jump start" to a hypermetabolic state to aid with the behavioral changes that necessarily have to occur then I say great

But the lingering question still remains  Why?  If we have to make the lifestyle changes in behavioral patterns to begin with and we are committed to those then do we really need a crutch?

That question lies for each of us as we decide for ourselves

See for more information about nutritional lifestyle behavioral changes

Until tomorrow                                                            To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

Photo credit  mikebaird  from Flickr

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