An Eating Exercise

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Is it possible we don't know how to eat?  Really, did anyone instruct us on how to do it? 

It's one of those primal activities that we do but the model doesn't come with an instruction manual  Supposedly our parents provide the manual

Intentional Nutrition

Well, the energy science of Ayurveda from which this wisdom of health comes makes a basic premise that at times is forgotten but stands at the heart of taking in food

It's not surprising that intention plays a pivotal role in nourishing the mindbody 

Intention excludes a lot of what nourishment is not  Intention means that we have the intent of nourishing the mindbody not engaged in casual conversation as we are moving out the door to work, driving to or from work munching on dinner, or distracted by some form of media(take your pick: TV, magazines, radio, etc)

There's good data to show that we digest our meals entirely differently when we are focused on the intention of nourishing ourselves

The 5 Interrogatories of Eating

Intention covers the first aspect of eating, that is, the how  How do we eat?  With awareness

What about the other 4?

What kind of foods and combinations? has lots of information about what  It's best to make a deal with yourself to sit to eat(where)

As we have said in the past the best time(when) for nutrition is at noon  Some say they cannot make this happen but in reality their health suffers gradually by not doing this

Why deals essentially with emotional eating  Am I eating or consuming for the right reasons?

An Eating Exercise

So let's do an exercise at our next meal

            Preferably make it the noon meal

            Have an intention to fully participate in the consumption

            Preferably use silence as a way to focus your intention

            Between bites put the spoon or fork down so as to not rush the eating process

            Pay attention to the textures, tastes, contrast the bites with one another, compare various combinations, aromas, colors etc

            Try to feel rested with the process

            Small amounts of warm water(never cold or with ice) with the meal

Then let's practice this art of eating everyday and notice what happens to bowel activity and how you feel after doing this process for 2 weeks

Until tomorrow                                                       To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

Photo courtesy of Robert in Toronto


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