It's never too late!!! to make lifestyle changes that can change your health
Enjoy as you read about this research story
Eyeballs and Health
Quit smoking, and your eyes will thank you An in-depth study of smoking and eye health in Wisconsin, The Beaver Dam Eye Study, yielded some eye-opening results
Those who quit smoking for at least five years had about the same risk of developing macular degeneration as those who had never smoked at all
In another study, former smokers who had quit at least 10 years earlier had a risk of cataracts 21 to 17 percent lower than those subjects who currently smoked
Stop Listening To the Mind
It's been said that the mind where we encounter thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and judgements is a pothole of trouble
The reasons for this are many but a couple are salient with respect to health The mind is that part of us that creates errant behaviors that we maintain that we call addictions such as the one to smoking as above
The mind's incessant activity is responsible for anxiety and all the ramifications of such activity
The mind's fear keeps us in the status quo and preventing us from taking on new more productive patterns of health
Healing: "Getting Out of the Way" Said Many Different Ways
What the eyeball story shows us in a behind the scenes way is that if we get out of the way we can acheive increased wellness In this case the addicted let go of the habit and the body searched for balance In this case the eyeballs got better
What's this mean? If we insist that the mind be quiet, we can let go of everything and acheive optimal health This is also called the pathway to least resistance
Another way of saying the same thing is, "If we insist that the mind get out of the way and not interfere with the natural processes of the physical body, healing naturally takes place"
Above all else the body yearns for its natural state of balance Unfortunately our minds mess it up
The Mind Creates Disease
"Why did I get sick doctor?" From the above it's clear we do it to ourselves
This is a very powerful place to be From a position of responsibility we can then move forward without being a victim to deal with our imbalance
Sometimes we need guidance as to what are the best choices to make because we are so laden down with past experiences that cloud our ability to make good healthy choices
Until next time Ciao To health as a Skill Love DrBill
Photo courtesy of cinnamonsugar