My Plate – The Nutritional Mainstream

The USDA recently revamped the public nutritional roadmap replacing the much maligned pyramid with a plate

And while the plate removes some criticisms about the pyrimid it still raises in my mind the efficacy of  nutritional advice in general

The Need for a Standard

Throughout human history there has always been the need to create standards by which a group operates whether it be nutritional science or any science for that matter 

The standard creation allows us to move along and build on our past data base

No doubt the well meaning need for a standard in nutrition for its citizens provided by the government agencies is helps the question is whether it adds anything to our current knowledge base

Or is it the same food just served up with a different appearance?

Information In  Information Out

The current system of nutrition on which we premise our information sees the mindbody and  the foods we ingest as molecular or matter based

In order for us to make any meaningful movement toward a better nutritional system of health is to try to explore other ways of seeing biological systems

Otherwise it's just business as usual  The same information with the same spin  Nothing new  Samo  Samo

If we keep looking at the biological world as molecular then we'll get molecular answers

It's the 21st Century Folks!

Hello!  One hundred years ago Einstein said E=mc2 yet our current biological model and its proponents insist on this current matter science biological model that continues to look at the foods that it consumes as molecular as well

Just as physics was stuck in Newtonian thinking in the 19th century until Einstein and a cohort of pioneers brought us forward out of medieval physics thinking, our current biological model is woefully stuck in 20th century thinking utilizing its matter science moleuclar thinking

It's time for us to move our biological model into the 21st century into a way of seeing ourselves as energy fields as well as matter fields

My Plate Or A Qualitative Energy Science Nutritional Approach

The rehashing of a moelcular nutritional model is not an advancement of knowledge but rather the establishment of the status quo

Nutritional experts see no reason to rock the boat  Move along with same tired worn out manipulation of knowledge blocks and make it through another lifetime patronizing the masses

But it is time for some to explore and find that an energy science nutritional approach can add immeasurably to the current molecular nutritional model

The Challenge for All of Us

Of course just becasue a standard is written for the citizens by a government agency means anything

People are going to eat what they eat and hang My Plate

So in the end My Plate becomes an exercise in futility with millions spent to promote an idea that nobody cares about except those who prefer to take pot shots at it

What we can do is begin our own journey in improving our nutritional health by embarking on new frontier that will not disappoint you

Try and enter the 21st century

Ciao until tomorrow                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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