The Price of Fast Food

An infographic that appeared recently shows the tremendous growth that has been going on over the last 50 years

It's interesting for a number of reasons but to me the most salient aspect is that fast is getting faster

Movement Is IN

The term "fast food" actually says it all  We are "on the run"  and need that food FAST

The visual I like is the runner in some form of race cruising by the water station, handed a paper cup of water  It's enough to wet the mouth  He quickly downs the water, throws the crumpled cup on the ground amidst all it predecessors, and moves on down the road FAST

Now move to the kitchen  Mom brings in the pizza that she just bought at the pizza station  The family members quickly down the calories, burp, and move on to evening activities FAST

The Energy Science Qualities of FAST

FAST has the qualities of cold, light, movement, rough, subtle, and clear

To counteract these vibrational frequencies we look for hot, heavy, stable, oily, gross, and cloudy  These qualities are found in fast foods in the form or sweet, sour, and salty tastes

Unfortunately these qualities bring about imbalances in 80% of us when consumed on a regular basis and those that could should do 1-2 times per week

 The Consumer NOT the Food

The energy science nutritional model tells us that it's the one consuming the foods that causes the weight gain NOT the food 

If the qualities of the foods are not conducive to the person's mindbody makeup then imbalance results

Imbalance produces the weight gain NOT the calories from an energy science approach 

But since this infographic is a matter science study of $ and calories we in the end are forced to the conclusion that its the calories and portions that lead to the obesity

And no one would argue that the obesity problem leads to all other problems of diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, metabolic syndrome etc

Overeating and Quality of Foods

From our infographic there are two things that can be derived  We foods that are not balancing for our mindbody makeups and we eat too much

Three things to take home

                                                        Biggest meal at noon no matter what

                                                        Eat two handfuls at each meal

                                                        Eat according to your own mindbody makeup

 Ciao until tomorrow                                                            To health as a Skill  Love DrBill




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