Forks Over Knives: Challenging the Status Quo
So it's date night and I've had this documentary on my list for some time, so I surprise my wife taking her to a fringy movie theater in the next town to view a MIchael Moore rendition of what's gone wrong with the American diet And further how the planet's nutrition with fast food seems to be drifting us toward further disease
If you're interested in a well thought out presentation of some disturbing scientific facts and stats about the nutritional status of our current American diet , this documentary dishes it out in spades If you haven't seen it I'd highly recommend it only for the reason that it lays out the significant blindness that currently is manifested in the matter science nutritional information these days
A Matter Science Nutritional Blind Spot
Fast forward about half way into the movie and revealed is an interview with a matter(molecular or measurement) science RD(registered dietitcian) who chairs a nutritional sciences program at a prestigious Midwestern university
As is typical she gave the party line defending the current matter science nutritional position on food choices Unfortunately the film to the point of her interview had laid out nuttritional statistics and information that showed how the increased consumption of animal protein appears to be related to the rise in heart disease( coronary vessel disease or arteriosclerosis) and other diseases such as cancer due to the inflammatory nature of the meat laden diet
In a classic Michael Moore blindside her position and as a voice for the ADA(American Dietetic Association) made her look like not much of a educated and informed authority As a matter of fact it made her position statements look foolish
A Plea for Vegetarianism
T Colin Campbell(primary author of the controversial China Study) and Esselstyn team up through the film with great statistics and data to make a case for becoming vegetarian
The argument is a demographic one That is, if a poplulation of people increase their meat consumption and chronic diseases rise at the same time then there the correlation seems to be clear
With the staggering and escalating rise in coronary vessel disease, stroke, all forms of cancer, diabetes with its attendent metabolic syndrome, chronic disease has to be in some way related to excess meat consumption
Light Shed Using Energy Science Nutrition
But I have heard many people who relate that they just feel better using some amount of concentrated protein support ie meat
From an energy science take, PK(Pitta Kapha) should avoid beef, duck, lamb, pork, dark meat of turkey and chicken, and seafood This leaves white chicken and turkey, egg whites, lean meats such as buffalo, venison, moose, elk and rabbit, and egg whites all the time with egg yolks in moderation(1-2 times per week) Dairy in moderation
PV(Pitta Vata) on the other hand should avoid pork and lamb and use beef, duck, white and dark meat of turkey and chicken, eggs with yolk, and seafood in moderation Buffalo, egg whites, and freshwater fish and shrimp all the time
Who's Doing the Eating?
The problem with demographic or population studies, while they show glaring problems, is that they lump everyone into the same basket and then make conclusions for the entire population
So from the above we can see that PK will use animal foods differently than PV but the energy science nutritional informational formats would also espouse to not consuming large quantities as currently being done
Oh by the way my wife was entertained by date night so it was a double score! Saw the movie and she liked it Yea!!
Ciao til next time To health as a Skill Love DrBill