Protein Supplementation Is Out: But Milk Is In
Is this a Wannabe Mustache?
Two matter science nutritional articles have recently come out busting some nutritional myths that if taken seriously would change the athletic food supplementation industry
First, The Bad News ;(
Nutritional researchers at the University of Bath have debunked the notion that protein supplementation is helpful in recovery after workouts What?
How can that be? Protein is important in building muscle and of course and the workout is intended to do just that! Of course the placebo effect for weight lifters to triathletes will probably reign in such a study and call foul but, hey, we just work here
The truth of the matter is that protein supplementation is far overdone and from an energy science view corroborates this matter science nutritional finding I just love it when that happens because it means that this finding is totally meaningful
From an energy science nutritional standpoint using protein supplementation leads to provoking Pitta which is already provoked in this clinical setting
Are You Ready? The Good News
OK, this is going to be hard to hear from athletic circles perhaps but jocks and jockesses would do well to take in some chocolate milk after their workouts
But for me the question is, "What's with the chocolate in the milk?" You know, why spoil Nature's perfect food with chocolate?
Although it's not surprising that milk is a great drink after a physical workout, what doesn't make sense is the addition of the chocolate from an energy science nutritional view
Now here, there is a conflict between the matter and energy science nutritional information and the relevance here is "delete the chocolate" since chocolate isn't good for anyone(sorry chocoholics)
"Yea, but it tastes better that way Besides we get some refined sugar that way"
Besides Milk Isn't Good For YOU?
While we're on the topic, a few comments about milk are in order
One of the rampages we hear these days is that the food that supported us in the first six months of life isn't good for us anymore Mother's or otherwise
Hey, come on Let's quit blaming the foods for why we don't feel well(classic Pitta way of dealing with life) When all else fails blame something or someone
The problem is US and our digestive systems The way we consume milk and our poor digestive fire
Cold milk out of the fridge is not a good idea(ice cubes at Starbucks even worse)
Warming, better yet, steaming the milk to break down the large casein molecules is a good idea
Using spices to aid in the digestion is great idea(chai anyone?)
Drinking milk alone is better than drinking it with cookies(another myth even though tastes better)
Wanna Make A Bet?
Since there's a lot of money on this whole case of protein supplementation be prepared in the next year to see some studies refuting the above
Ah, the American science way!
Ciao, until next time To health as a Skill Love DrBill