7 Nutritional Guidelines to Actually Reduce Stress


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Although there are internet discussions about stress and nutrition few take an approach of how nutrition can actually help us reduce stress  And it may be very surprising to us what the energy science says about what we should do when under stress

The idea here is to use nutrition to calm the mindbody and more effectively deal with our stressor

A Nutritional Molecular View of Dealing With Stress

From a matter science view stress brings us anxiety which is a fear based response to change, whatever that may be  Deadlines, moving, marital difficulties, loss of job  All these are stressors that the mobilize hormones that help us cope

So it would be  very reasonable that we take molecular supplements to fortify the body  But this doesn't reduce the stress nutritionally  It's adjunctive or supportive

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine(PCRM), a matter science medical organization whose purpose is to rethink our nutritional style of health has talked most specifically about what foods should be emphasized when we are under stress

What is being stated here is that when under stress we should be aware of the fact that certain "comfort foods" will be used in lieu of healthy foods 

Energy Science Biological View of Stress

The Ayurvedic energy science biological paradigm of Vata(V) Pitta(P) Kapha(K) can help us understand how different people respond differently under stress  PK for example can do somewhat well with stressful situations but if they are stressed they look for comfort foods  Stress equals things going in the mouth

PV people are those that can be significantly and adversely effected by stressors due to the mobile quality that produces a disrupting influence on the mindbody And the more Vata aggravated they are the more help they need

Nutrition To Calm the Mindbody Physiology:  7 Suggestions

So the Vata aggravation needs to be dealt with in order to calm the mindbody physiology  One of the first and most profound things to do is:

             1  Don't eat if you're not hungry  This will be easy for PV and not so easy for PK since as we said earlier these people will look for comfort foods that as the PCRM reports are not usually healthy choices  Particularly don't eat if the tongue has a coating on it after scraping int the morning

             2  If eating, don't overeat  Again not such a problem for PV but one for PK

             3 Follow energy science nutritional formats according to one's mindbody energy physiology

             4 Consider nutritional monotony, that is, the same type of foods during the stressful times

            5 Eat slowly and not on the run  Practice nutritional awareness when eating  If you can't do this then don't eat

             6  Eat easily digestible foods such as kitchari since the digestive fire is also under stress and reduced

             7  Consider the liberal use of spices to aid the digestive fire

Energy science nutrition is offers so much more to our lifestyle behavior patterns that occur with stress than the molecular approach  Try a few of the suggestions the next time you're under stress or better yet practice these guidelines so that when the next big stressor occurs(and most assuredly it will be coming your way), you'll be prepared!!

Until next time  Ciao                                                      To health as a Skill     Love DrBill  


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