5 Ways to Promote a Nutritious Diet

OK we can all relax   The Oscars are over   Best picture actor actress director   So back to the mundane day to day travails of ordinary living and being healthy   This week it's about how to not only preserve but enhance your digestive strength and health

1  Snacking  

This may seem strange but when there is a constant flow of food for your digestive system to handle this can lead to poor digestive strength overall   This is particularly problematic for some who have low digestive power to begin with   So eating the biggest meal at noon, small breakfast to tide you over until the big meal of the day, and a dinner that is smaller than the noon meal is a great eating pattern to adopt   

2  Ice is not Nice

That is ice is not kind to our GI tracts and reduces our digestive strength since the digestive enzyme systems that digest our foods work best at 98.6 degrees F  Not 94 or 100 but at this particular set point   Using ice affects this set point and alters digestion   When you use ice with eating on a regular basis you can affect your digestion

3  Drinking Too Much Water

Some people have too much fluid already whereas others use water a lot for their metabolic needs  We are all different and so we should respect that    From previous blogs you can see what I mean   But the point is that too much fluid decreases out digestive strength   And none of us need that   Vata gets the most water per day 70 oz, Pitta 50-60 oz, and Kapha 40 oz  Guess who has the most water on board most of the time!

4  Leftover Food

My mother was the Leftover Queen and there was always in the refrigerator things from days gone by   But energetically leftovers more than a 48hours old are dead and have lost much of their nourishing capability much like the stuff that comes from cans 

5 Overeating

When I overeat(more than what I can hold in my two hands) unfortunately it's like I'm throwing wet logs on my digestion strength and then I don't burn the foods I take in 

So that's it   These are great guidelines that will nourish our digestive systems and improve our health in the long run

Until next week            Love DB

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