Carbonated Drinks: Not All Calories Are Created Equally
One of the sacred cows of the US diet indeed of the world's is the carbonated drink intake From Coke to Pepsi to "nutritious" mineral drinks the refreshment drink industry creates a huge market for the unsuspecting consumer One of the reasons that the drink industry can fly under the radar without addressing the health consequences of its products is due to our current dietary approach to foods in general
Diet: The Quantitative Healing Approach
Currently we do our medical healing using what I have termed the matter science In this model of healing everything is measured and the molecule is responsible for disease Cholesterol, fatty acids, hormones, vitamins, minerals You name it and its measured And this measurement gives us confidence that things are going in the right or wrong direction in terms of our healing For example, if the tumor measures 5cm before treatment and shrinks to 2cm then healing by measurement has occurred
Quite naturally we have translated this healing into other areas of life such as diet Everything is measured when it comes to diet as well Lycopene, potassium, fats, high fructose corn syrup
But the quantitative approach only measures calories but doesn't give us much understanding about the quality of the calories consumed This is a major problem with this dietary approach because NOT ALL CALORIES ARE CREATED EQUALLY The world is now addressing these drinks as injurious to health(see link and video)
Nutrition: The Qualitative Healing Approach
In the energy science model foods take on a qualitative aspect to them From a qualitative view carbonated drinks are unhealthy and not good for anyone because it produces an imbalance of qualities The energy science of Ayurveda sees qualitative imbalance in us as the source of disease and foods such as carbonated drinks produce such imbalances
There are 10 pairs of qualities that I have written about in earlier posts The reason for the nutritional formats at is to help show you what foods will promote balance for you
According to this model's approach to healing it's the quality of the food that means something not the quantity This seemingly contradicts the current approach to diet What would it be like not to count calories anymore?
The Best of Both Worlds
I'm not saying that one model is better than another Each have their value and strengths in the information they provide us We all need to know what is in our foods and how much fructose corn syrup the manufacturer is using in his product that we're consuming But at the same time there are certain foods that we should best leave alone regardless of what appears nutritious about it if they don't harmonize with us from a qualitative view
For example, tomatoes should not be eaten by the combination energy pattern of Pitta Vata and dairy should be avoided by Pitta Kapha You can learn more about this at
Until next time To Health as a Skill Love DB