Digestive Fire: The Solution to Food Allergy

Overweight poosy belly and painFood allergies(milk and wheat flour) are commonly blamed for the intolerance to the large molecules that are poorly digested(lactose in the case of milk, gluten in the case of flour) Since these molecules have been around forever, the implication is that the fatigue and/or postdigestive symptoms(gas, bloating primarily) is related to the "allergy" to these products that contain milk and wheat flour

Allergy or Your Own Poor Digestion

But perhaps the question should be. "Is this really an allergy?"

From my own personal experience being confronted with the possibility of declaring myself with food allergies to milk and wheat, I found that simply eating according to my energy makeup and improving my digestion did the trick

The energy science perspective challenges the notion that fatigue and post digestive symptoms are related to allergy It makes the case that poor digestion is the culprit in most of these so called "food allergies" Of course this flies in the face of the common public and physician misinterpretation of symptoms and it's easy to blame foods rather than our own choices and behavior

We Don't Know Any Better

If you're not aware that some foods should not be used because of your energy makeup, if you're not aware of troublesome food combinations, if you're not aware of how to boost your digestive fire, then all bets are off that you will be able to find the solution to your post digestive blahs In short we don't know any better because our nutritional model lets us down

So What To Do?

1 Go to foodsheal.com and take the questionnaire(under Getting Started) to find out what energy makeup you are Then find the format that fits and stick with it Over time this can make a big difference

2 At the same site you'll find a list of food incompatibilities that should be avoided

3 Avoid ice

4 Use a ginger appetizer to enhance your digestion 30 minutes before you eat Use fresh ginger(1 inch diameter disc 1 inch thick with 1 tsp lime juice, pinch of rock or sea salt, and tsp of honey)

5 Sip on agni tea through the day to help improve your digestion (1 qt of water with 2 handfuls of diced fresh ginger, 2T of sucanat, pinch of cayenne, 1-2t of sea salt)

6 Use spices (see churans under Nutritional Tools) liberally with your cooking Spices in general will help the digestion

Many digestive ills that we have are our own doing, believe it or not The current diet model that is molecularly based does not serve us well in this respect

All the best DB

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