Multiple Treatments for Multiple Causes
Have you ever stopped to consider the many approaches that it takes to change something You may try one thing, then add another and then see if something else may help At times health is a trial and error process-trying to find the right remedy
From an energy perspective this is exactly the way healing occurs It's just not about just lifestyle choices, not just about nutritional work or the medicines or herbs or yoga therapy and pranayama that are taken or done-it's about all these things that are done that will make a difference in our health
This is because the energy field responds to more than one band of vibrational frequency The change occurs over many bands of frequencies to make a difference And doing exercise such as yoga does have a vibrational impact on the physiology if done on a consistent basis The same is true about certain vibrational frequencies that we call food
When we eat foods that enhance balance, such as green beans, they nourish the energy mindbody and produce equilibrium of the energy field because of their nuturing of specific vibrational frequencies in the energy field
Eating at specific times lends to more balance especially having the biggest meal at noon All these nutritional "tools" promote balance and then we get healthier even though we may not feel that way Health then becomes a skill that we work at and over time we physiologically get more balance energetically and hence get healthier.
To good health DrBill