Seasons and Nutrition.

Christmas treeHave you ever heard of a racial riot in the winter? Beaches packed in December in the Northwest?(or are they ever packed?) People packing the parks during January? The seasons change our internal climate as well.

The hot and cold qualities or primordial vibrational frequencies produce such lifestyle behavior patterns as they do when we are eating our diets.

The seasons have an impact on our digestion. During the winter the hot qualities of foods can be tolerated by people who might not tolerate them during the summer. And likewise the cold qualities for people who wouldn't tolerate them during the winter would find them somewhat permissible during the summer.

For example a predominantly Pitta individual might not tolerate hot chillis during the summer months but in the cold winter months, this hot quality and pungent tastes would not be so imbalancing.

Predominant Kapha would not do well with dairy due to its congestive nature in the cold winter months but during the hot summer could use it occasionally.

The energetic nutritional concept is that our biologic energy fields are affected by the environmental energy field. Recently I reviewed a matter science article about the effect of the season on digestion and questioned how this observation could be true. An observation by a matter field model that cannot explain it.

If we are to come to an understanding of nutrition and its role in health it will have to come from an energy science approach

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