Meditation and Cancer

pranayama seatedIn November 2014 Canadian researchers reported that there are changes to DNA after just a 3 month period of practicing regular meditation  This shouldn't really be surprising to us as other genetic studies involving lifestyle behavior patterns have shown shifts in multiple sites of the genetic material  

What is interesting is that the changes noted in this study happen to be associated with longevity...that is those with cancer who were meditating for this brief period of time showed signs of increased longevity  The tacit conclusion is that meditation can be good food for us and that taking time regularly as part of our daily schedule can have life sustaining benefits

Things to Know About Meditation

Meditation is a tool to quiet the mind  You don't need any special gadgetry or tapes  Just the ability to sit somewhere and close your eyes

You will have lots and lots of thoughts when you begin  That's normal  That's why you're meditating  You can have 3 and only 3 types of experiences during meditation

Lots and lots of thoughts  As above this is normal  Recognize that these thoughts are meaningless and are releases of pentup stress which is good to be relieved of   Whenever you find yourself on thoughts just gently bring yourself back to your technique, mantra or SoHum or the breath  Whatever is your chosen vehicle simply return to the vehicle  If you chose not to go back to the vehicle then you've decided to stop meditating

Fall asleep  This just means that the mindbody needs rest

Experience silence  Of course as soon as you become aware that your mind is silent, you're no longer silent  These periods of silence between thoughts become longer and longer in the growth of meditation

To gain benefits from this type of behavior like any health promoting pattern of behavior means to do it  and be pretty consistent with it   It's been shown that DNA changes occur immediately but that the real changes occur after about 8 weeks in laboratory animals 

Link for the cancer article

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