Energy Science 8 Natural Remedies for Constipation

In general Vata due to the elements of Space and Air presents when imbalanced as gas  Gas or air when present has the capability of drying  This dry quality tends to be most prominent in the colon and so colonic contents and the lubricating element of the colon get dried out  The contents don't slide along leading to further drying  The result is a slow down of the normal transit time through the colon leading to constipation 

Constipation and Natural Remedies

The energy science of Ayurveda offers a guideline that a healthy functioning state of the colon is a bowel movement first thing in the morning and then a stool 2h after eating  From this definition most of us are constipated to some degree or another

Constipation is a Vata issue and it may be that due to the PV nutritional format(nf)Pitta has risen and is blocking Vata leading to an increase in the Vata energy The nf is never ever the's the shifts, releases, and the imbalances that lead to changes in patterns I would do one or all of the following:
1 Begin using soaked overnight prunes or raisins(can use them as snacks not with meals) or apples bananas peaches pineapple juice based on the nf Toilet roll with constipation
2 Eat more fiber....oatmeal wheat bran oat bran
3 Use triphala(T3) on a every night can make a decoction(5min boil of the herb in cup of water) at night or straight up powder(churna) and wash it down with warm think the churna is superior to tablets(vati)
4 If you get loose with the T3 switch to bhumyamalaki at the same link 3 There is a T3 tincture if your agni is poor at the same link
5 2t of ghee with warm milk at bedtime is a gentle way to help with constipation
6 Castor oil can be used if the constipation is obstinate but not for long period of time as it can cause dependency One way to prevent this dependency is using castor with warm milk at night
7 Boil 1T of flaxseed in 1c of water for 3minutes then drink including the seeds
8 If there is absolute constipation for 3 days, don't use purgatives The better approach is to use basti(medicated herbal enema) to initiate steps of regulating the system You can use T3 tea as described above just more volume with more T3

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