A Philosophy of Healing

RamakrishnaEvery healing tradition should have a philosophy and this is unfortunately missing in the matter science model  This is one of the major reasons why our current medical system has run a wayward course

Philosophy means a Love of Truth

When you see the Truth you experience Love...not the emotional petty type of love written about in romance novels but something far greater Healing then is seeking Truth and finding Love because Truth and Love are one and the same

The philosophy of the energy science of Ayurveda is that our human existence is intimately spliced with Nature herself....with the universe or totality....with Love itself and therefore the Truth When we seek the Truth we find Love and healing becomes a love affair

Healing then implies a seeker of truth Someone who seeks healing is one who is seeking Truth, one who wants to get to the bottom of the problem Not a bandaid or another blind alley but rather wants to solve the problem, whatever it may be When one seeks healing in such a system one becomes a lover, wanting to unite back to wholeness, a return to what one once was before one was sick

Love and Healing Disease

But what does this have to do with the disease?

Actually quite a bit  Because a healing tradition based on philosophy understands how the healing occurs in the greater context...healing assumes not a myopic view of the problem at hand but how you and your problem relate to the greater whole  That is, how your problems are part of a larger picture And how the larger picture when employed really accelerates the healing process

Literally when you use a philosophy based healing tradition your healing efforts take on a Divine perspective You employ God to direct the healing process as you participate When you become Love you heal because being Love is healing which becomes the supreme creative act

The Sacredness of Healing

                                           If you can't find God in yourself you can't find Her anywhere else

In all spiritual traditions that have been articulated on this planet over the millennia there are basic themes that are present First there is a universal force or God Secondly this God exhibits unconditional love which means that there is complete and total acceptance of what is at any one moment Thirdly we are all aspects of this universal force or God In other words we are first and foremost divine beings in human form

There are many expressions physiologically of the Divine but most commonly is seen as light typically in the 3rd eye or what is called our inner vision Behaviorally we begin to accept life events as they are without wishing they were different There is a distinct feeling that you're surrounded by complete acceptance by all around you

This connection to our own divinity occurs when we experience silence which is often talked about as the gap...the space between thoughts or breath The movement of the mind is the movement of breath so when the breath is suspended we experience our own divinity By and by when one consistently practices this you begin taking on the characteristics of the Divine....you recognize yourself as the Divine or your very soul This is a very real experience not some metaphorical journey and it occurs because philosophically we are the Divine

When you connect with your own Divinity you become Love and healing is the reward Not without work but definitely with direction that supports your healing because you have infinite faith and trust that everything is as it should be and that healing will take place in time Notice healing from an energy science point of view is not "lay down and God will take care of you" No, divine healing requires your participation In so doing you surrender to Divine direction

"You are precious and infinitely loved more than you can possibly imagine You are always safe You are never alone The unconditional and perfect Love of God neglects not one soul
Love is, without a doubt, the basis of everything Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows-the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals In its purest and most powerful form, this love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional"                                                     Dr. Eben Alexander       Harvard neurosurgeon

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