Ayurveda and TCM
There are basically three energy healing sciences that are currently well articulated. Two of them date back thousands of years and include Ayurveda that is from the yoga tradition and the Traditional Chinese Medical(TCM) science. The third is more recently practiced as homeopathy which in the eyes of Ayurveda is an expression one of the ways to do energy healing within the discipline of Ayurveda.
I have now seen a couple of compendiums trying to merge these two ancient energy science traditions of Ayurveda and TCM and people have asked, "Why not?".
My simple answer is, "Don't do it!".
The reason for this caveat is that these systems are very complex and deep. It will take a practitioner a lifetime to study and assimilate the information in order to apply the material for healing. Even though there are similarities in the two ancient traditions, the differences are too great to be able to combine them and for this reason alone it becomes confusing and frustrating. Furthermore how can we expect ourselves as casual observers who want to apply these principles to our health and healing to be able to know enough?
For the above reasons, I think it's best to stick to one, study it and know its energy language well. Both ancient systems use different energy language systems in order to build the energetic healing medical discipline. They both work exceptionally well but they each require an understanding of the language in order to negotiate the path of healing.
Personally I have chosen the Ayurvedic medical discipline for a variety of reasons, the most prominent of which is that the nutritional scheme seems to be better articulated. But this is not to say that the TCM system might not work for you.
In the end choose one system, know it well and it will bring great health, wisdom and healing. DrBill