Food Allergies?
Chronic disease is often associated with other conditions such as food allergies or sensitivities and GERD which we have written about in the past This is difficult to understand from a molecular approach to dis-ease since the model looks at the problem within an organ system without taking into consideration the interrelationship of all organ systems
This is frustrating to physicians as well as patients seeking to understand the pain of chronic disease and how to treat it And it sometimes leads to a real difficulty for the health consumer in choosing foods thinking that perhaps their symptoms are related to their "food allergies" so they are fearful of eating anything Oftentimes elimination diets are used to try to sort it out but partially fail
The Dis-ease Origin Is the Same
With a different way of seeing the mindbody from an energy science viewpoint rather than the currently used matter science discipline it becomes clear that food allergies are interrelated with other diseases Why is this so?
Dis-ease or lack of harmony in the mindbody begins in the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) and when there is too much of the hot quality it leaves the GIT to be eliminated through the urinary tract The GIT is not healthy enough to deal with the excess hot quality
Food allergies that occur in the GIT leads to distress as well but the energy science explanation is due to lack of digestive strength The same lack of digestive strength leads to two seemingly different forms of dis-ease
Lack of Digestive Strength
Digestive strength from a matter or molecular science approach is not enough digestive enzymes to do the job Because of this toxic debris builds up much like a cold campfire has unprocessed charred remains Acute symptoms occur after eating such as:
Poor appetite Coated tongue Nausea Bloating Belching with smell of previously eaten food
Weakness and fatigue Foul gas or flatus; bad-smelling feces Unhappiness Constipation or diarrhea
Abdominal pain and/or distention Bad breath Bad taste in the mouth Restlessness Heaviness after food
Congestion Excessive sleep
These signs and symptoms represent poor digestive strength but as you can see could be interpreted as "food allergy"
Then chronic signs and symptoms may occur over years of poor digestion strength:
Tissue emaciation Malabsorption Emotional eating Food cravings Food allergies
Insomnia Poor visual perception Poor circulation Abnormal color and complexion Lack of luster(skin rashes)
Fear Grief, sadness, and depression Confusion Apathy, repulsion Shortened life span Aggressiveness
Indecisiveness and lack of discrimination Lack of intelligence(loss of clarity) Impatience
Improper direction and inappropriate goals
Isn't it interesting that fear, confusion, apathy, aggressiveness occur in this list of chronic symptoms? The reason for this is that there is a mindbody connection What happens in the mind happens in the body What happens in the body happens in the mind
From an energy science view mind and body are intimately spliced You cannot separate them Mind is in every cell of the body So we see that if the GIT is effected with dis-ease or disharmony then it will register in the mind and these psychological manifestations will be apparent
3 Things to Do to Improve Digestive Strength
As I have said in previous blogs eating according to your mindbody energy makeup is the most important thing along with avoiding poor food combinations But here are some other general things you can do as well
1 Use Coriander and Fennel tea to support agni
2 Use of GCPR(green composite protein recipe) Have blogged about this in the past If you need the recipe send me an email and I'll send you a copy
3 Use pre and probiotic in the form of a pappadam lassi If you need the recipe send me an email and I'll send you a copy