Disease and the Microbiome
In the last blog we discussed the role of the common probiotics in today's marketplace by way of the handout offered to subscribers on request These common probiotics are regarded bacteriologically as aerobes However there are 2 other prominent players in the microbiome Today we introduce the second player, the faculatative anaerobe which plays a bigger role in the microbiome than those that are currently marketed as aerobes seen in yogurt and probiotic pills
The reason these organisms play such an important role in the are microbiome is that they create an enormous mass of cell growth that crowd out bad actors such as Clostridia and Candida keeping them in modest numbers When the numbers become imbalanced the agni becomes imbalanced
From an AY perspective agni is central to the disease process If one has a balanced agni then physiologic dis-ease cannot occur Due to our choices around diet(ahara), lifestyle(vihara) and medicines/supplements(dravya) gunas or qualities of the doshas of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha produce disturbance of the agni. The net result of this agni disturbance is the production of toxic load(ama) which clogs the energy channels and over time becomes hot(amavisha). This toxic load clogs the channels leading to blockage of energy which leads to pain in the body
So the essence of treating physiologic dis-ease of any type is to restore balance to a disturbed agni. This takes time because there has to be a gradual release of the dosha qualities and the gradual elimination of stored up ama/amavisha or toxic load in the energy channels.
An aspect of agni in the physiology is represented by the gut microbiome(gut bacterial flora). Although agni has a pervasive physiologic impact throughout the entire mindbody, a healthy microbiome in the gut provides immense support to the mindbody’s health.
The first step in providing support to the gut agni is to alter the diet to one that is alkalanizing as we have discussed in the past with the green composite protein recipe. The second step is to begin to restore the microbiome with “good guys” and overwhelm the growth of the “bad guys”.
If you want to know more about which is the best probiotic to get started with email me at drbilldean@gmail.com